Science Sessions

For my Final Year Design Project I created a learning experience for 15-18 year old second level students. ‘Science Sessions’ is a travelling learning experience that teaches these students about particular areas of science and experimentation that wouldn’t be covered in their school curriculum. The overall idea is that every year a new topic would be exhibited by ‘Science Sessions’ to the audience. The edition I created in particular covers the discovery of the Higgs Boson particle at CERN.

The aim of my overall design project is to create a positive interest in science in the audience and in particular the work and experiments going on at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) within the 15 – 18 year old age bracket in second level students. 

From the start of the project, I had to keep the target audience in mind at all times, as the main objective was to make sure they understood the information and were interested in it. I developed a visual early on in the project, through the use of paper. Paper was used in this project in two ways. It was a relatable medium between the project and the audience, and was also metaphorical in the way it can go from being big to small and vice versa, much like a lot of aspects to do with the content of the project.

One of the deliverables I wished to produce was a series of stop motion graphics or videos, which was something I had never done before. The three forms of deliverables – posters, videos and booklets, had to be interlinked despite the difference in mediums. The branding and color-coding helped to do this, along with the visuals used with paper and sharp edges and lines. These aspects all tied in together to create a fun, unique learning experience – keyword posters that caught the eye and introduced each section, stop motion videos that allowed the audience to understand the content in a simple and visual way, and the information booklets that contained the educational content of each section, as well as being a souvenir for the audience members to keep and study.